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Giving By Design!

2 Corinthians 8:2-5 “and this, not as we had expected, but they first gave themselves to the Lord and to us by the Will of God."


In this eighth chapter of Second Corinthians, Paul suggests that the Macedonians were artists at giving. In verse five, Paul suggested that they had a principle that guided their giving. In their principle, they first gave themselves to God and then to the apostles. Once they made that commitment, they voluntarily gave their offerings. Paul called the giving of the Macedonians a "grace" like that which caused our Lord Jesus to become poor that we might become rich. We need to know that Jesus Christ was not poor to begin with. He gave up the street of gold for the streets of Jerusalem, his home in heaven for no place to lay his head.


Jesus gave up the love of the heavenly host for the hatred of this world. He gave up his crown in heaven for a crown of thorns. Jesus gave up his throne in glory for an old rugged cross. On that cross he died to make us rich toward God.

It has been suggested that-

God made the sun--it gives.

God made the moon--it gives.

God made the stars--they give.

God made the air--it gives.

God made the clouds--they give.

God made the earth--it gives.

God made the sea--it gives.

God made the trees--they give.

God made the flowers--they give.

God made the fowls--they give.

God made the beasts--they give.

God made the plan--He gives.

God made man--he...

By God’s Grace


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